04 / 03 / 2020

SO-CLOSE at the Projectes de Reflexió al Palau Macaya 2020.

”La Caixa” Foundation holds an annual call to fund proposals with the aim of fostering reflection and dialogue on the subject of human development and sustainability. The goal is to strengthen its role as a meeting point between key agents in society: associations, public administration and professionals, to tackle today challenges in a holistic way, overcoming academic and sector barriers. The aim is to become the meeting point for all these social agents, encouraging them to work towards establishing priorities, detecting new approaches and promoting the economic development and transformation of society. For the last edition UAB presented a proposal named ATRACT based on the H2020 EU funded projects SO-CLOSE and TRACTION.

ATRACT will organize five activities starting in autumn this year. An inaugural session will present the projects and the objectives for next four events –that will run until the summer 2021. The objectives of these events are to create a knowledge network towards designing innovative methodologies to facilitate the integration of young migrants. Based on this connection, ATRACT will promote dialogue between different parties, and stimulate the exchange of experiences as well as identifying needs and practical solutions. For more information write to susannah.fraser@uab.cat or visit the website: https://obrasociallacaixa.org/en/centros/palau-macaya/convocatoria-proyectos/convocatoria-actual.