11 / 22 / 2022

The Main MCP Section: Public Collection

The Public Collection might be considered the main section of MCP and it is also the first page displayed when a public (or registered) user enter to the platform.

This section presents the catalogue of story maps, webdocs and other elements published by all the Cultural Institutions that use the MCP platform.

In this article we describe in detail the features provided for this section of the platform.

For the unregistered users, the main screen area shows only the “Public Collection” as an active section.

Clicking on the central section image below,

any public (and registered) user can view the page with the published content as follow:


This Home Page presents cards with an image, a title and a description for each Storymap, Exhibition or Webdoc published.

For each element the user can:

Choose and visualise a content item to visualise and navigate it directly in a new page.

Generate and share the content link, to use it via email, social etc. (or embed it in a proper official web page).

Generate and download a content QR code (personalised with the SO- CLOSE logo).


The white bar on the top of the page presents a series of icons, for:

Go back to the home page.

Activate/deactivate accessibility features.

 Log in to the MCP platform.

Select the interface language.


In addition to the already described top multifunction bar, the Public Collection  has a main area with a white toolbar on top:

This toolbar offers features to:

Filter the content by keyword.

List the available content in alphabetical order of title.

List the available content by update date.

List only the resources that have a geo-located reference.

In particular, searching for a resource using the geo-localization functionality, will provide a display of this type:

Finally, the following image gives an example of one of the views of the resources contained in the Public Collection section: